Life’s History is Beautiful
Read more: Life’s History is BeautifulOur imperfections, scars, and mistakes, are not something to be ashamed of nor hide. Being human means we all experience hardship – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual in differing degrees. Literally and figuratively, we accumulate wounds and losses which represent a life well-lived. Learning to embrace our flaws can be a dramatic shift from how…
Be Curious… Doesn’t cost you a thing.
Read more: Be Curious… Doesn’t cost you a thing.Embrace your life and be present… before it’s too late. Life is about enjoying not only your daily experiences (good and bad) but appreciating the people around you… As we grow older and wiser, it becomes obvious that taking the time to nurture relationships is becoming increasingly difficult. In today’s workplace, how rare is it…
It’s Not Too Late: Reshape Your Story
Read more: It’s Not Too Late: Reshape Your StoryAn unexpected medical diagnosis, displaced at work, or a horrific car accident can catapult many of us on a spiritual journey. You’re suddenly faced with the realization that time is not a limitless commodity. But why wait for a medical diagnosis or a potential life altering event to force you to revisit priorities? Fast forward…
When Life Hands You a Lemon… Make Lemonade.
Read more: When Life Hands You a Lemon… Make Lemonade.While taking away physical pain needs intervention, sometimes changing your perspective or shifting your mindset can ease your mental state and emotional feelings… You come to the conclusion that chemotherapy is the best path forward and understand the science and side effects. (Please don’t misinterpret my upcoming suggestion that I’m making light of what happens…
Cat’s Claw
Read more: Cat’s ClawThe indigenous people of the Amazon region have long used Cat’s Claw for its healing properties. Also known as the “Miracle Herb from the Rain Forest of Peru”, this thorny vine is widely accepted as a natural cure for a multitude of ailments while only recently being recognized for its treatment of cancer. Although scientific…
Live Life to the Fullest
Read more: Live Life to the FullestCan you honestly say you are living an intentional life, making conscious decisions and being in the present? Are you focused on the right priorities which will help you blossom into a kind, generous and thoughtful person? This morning when you opened your eyes, you were handed a gift called “today.” Not only is this…
2023 Worlds Dragon Boat Festival in New Zealand
Read more: 2023 Worlds Dragon Boat Festival in New ZealandCongratulations to the Edmonton Breast Friends Dragon Boat Racing Team! Thank you for proudly representing Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at the international Dragon Boat Festival at Lake Karapiro in Cambridge, New Zealand. 5,000 participants from around the world congregated in a week of fun, but intense competition. Enjoying a once in a lifetime experience strengthening their…
Destiny… Or can we shape our future?
Read more: Destiny… Or can we shape our future?Life throws us curve balls, just a fact of life. But in most cases, we still have a choice. We may not be able to change the outcome, but we definitely have agency over our experiences at work and personally – how we think, feel, and behave. In the world of psychology the term ‘locus…
Another Way To Lose Weight…
Read more: Another Way To Lose Weight…The first month of the new year has quickly come and gone… And many of us vowed that this year would be THE year, to establish a regular routine of eating well, consistent exercise and not getting stressed out over small things. If I told you there was a solution that wouldn’t cost you a…